The quietest heat pumps from Hoval – modern and efficient

The quietest heat pumps from Hoval – modern and efficient
Heating and cooling with heat pumps is on trend. Hoval’s quietest heat pumps deliver all-round comfort and green energy.
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Heat pumps are highly sustainable because they use free energy from the environment – the ground, water or air – and convert it into heating energy.
But it is not only the method of heat generation that matters to home owners or builders. They also have to ask questions like:
- What are the costs associated with a heat pump and electricity consumption?
- Which heat pump is the quietest for my building project?
In Germany, air-source heat pumps are more popular today than they ever have been. The outdoor unit required for generating energy is very quick to install and is usually located in the garden. This eliminates the need for costly drilling work and geological surveys, which are usually required for ground-source and groundwater heat pumps.
Find out more about the quietest heat pump from Hoval
Restful sleep, happy neighbours – all thanks to a quiet heat pump
As quiet as a leaf in the wind or a bee collecting pollen – it might sound like a metaphor, but it’s actually what Hoval air-source heat pumps achieve. Any discernible noise coming from the outdoor unit – also known as the sound pressure level in technical jargon – is as quiet as the sounds of nature.

This is due to the smart inner workings of the outdoor unit, consisting of an aerodynamically designed and slowly rotating fan blade plus a generously proportioned evaporator surface, making the Belaria pro and the UltraSource the quietest Hoval heat pumps on the market.
Good to know: The German state offices for the environment recommend quiet units with sound power levels of ≤ 50 dB(A). The 8 kW Belaria pro and UltraSource outdoor unit heat pumps are well below this value, with sound power levels of just 46 dB(A).
Running costs of a heat pump
While one-off additional costs for excavation work and geological surveys have to be taken into account for ground-source and water-source heat pumps, air-source heat pumps do not require them at all.
However, it is not just the purchase cost of a heat pump that matters to house builders – the electricity consumption does too. Whether they are ground-source, water-source or air-source heat pumps, Hoval’s state-of-the-art units adapt their output to the heat demand in any given situation – they “modulate”, as the experts say. If less heat is needed (in spring and autumn, for example), they produce less heating energy. This has financial and environmental benefits, and results in reduced running costs for the heat pump. The low electricity consumption of the Belaria pro and UltraSource heat pumps is acknowledged by the energy efficiency class A+++, and you’re sure to see that reflected in your electricity bill at the end of the year too.
A multi-talented heat pump: cooling in summer
Climate change is becoming ever more apparent in Germany, with longer and more intense heatwaves occurring each summer. This is leading to people seeking out cooler rooms both at work and at home. Many might automatically think that air conditioning is the answer, but heat pumps can also provide a cooling effect. You can actually use your existing heating system for energy-efficient cooling or, fan convectors for an even better cooling effect. Most Hoval heat pumps achieve this thanks to their CleverCool function, making them a genuine alternative to air conditioning.
Cooling with heat pumps is becoming increasingly popular – with the Belaria pro or UltraSource heat pumps, for instance.
Consulting and service
Heat pumps are available in a range of performance classes. You need to choose the right one to suit your home, its size and your lifestyle, as well as any other individual requirements you may have.
Even if you have already read up extensively on heat pumps – including Hoval’s quietest heat pumps, the Belaria pro and UltraSource – we would still recommend that you seek expert advice. The Hoval partner installer in your area will assess your needs and recommend a customised solution for heating and cooling with a heat pump.