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Indoor climate solution with decentralised heat generation

TopVent® TP

TopVent TP

Recirculation unit with decentralised heat pump for heating and cooling halls with high ceilings.

RoofVent® RP

RoofVent RP

Supply and extract air handling unit with decentralised heat pump and high-capacity energy recovery for heating and cooling halls with high ceilings.

TopVent TP

TopVent® TP

Recirculation unit with decentralised heat pump for heating and cooling halls with high ceilings.

RoofVent RP

RoofVent® RP

Supply and extract air handling unit with decentralised heat pump and high-capacity energy recovery for heating and cooling halls with high ceilings.

Where ventilation ducts take up no space at all

Do you want to utilise every single square metre of your hall? Now you can wave goodbye to those bulky supply air and extract air ducts, not to mention their regular cleaning schedule! Hoval’s decentralised indoor climate systems are ready to take the place of complex centralised air-conditioning systems like these. In these new systems, which do not feature ducting, air is distributed very efficiently by a Hoval Air-Injector installed directly on each unit. They can even be combined with heat pumps to make an engineering room, along with a system for distributing heat and cold, superfluous to requirements. And if you expand your hall, you can simply add more units.

How Hoval’s decentralised solution works

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The advantages

Maximum flexibility
Indoor climate systems from Hoval make large spaces feel cosy and minimise energy consumption at the same time. Unlike centralised systems, they have a modular design, i.e. a single system is made up of several air-conditioning units, which do not all have to be the same. This provides for maximum adaptability and flexibility throughout all stages from planning to installation, operation and even maintenance. 

Duct-free hygiene
Indoor climate units are spread throughout the room, either mounted on the ceiling or installed in the roof. They blow the supply air directly into the room; there is no need for any supply air or extract air ducts, which has benefits in terms of space requirements, hygiene and efficiency.

Patented air distribution
Hoval’s indoor climate systems are energy-saving champions. They reduce temperature stratification within a space, which minimises the amount of heat lost through the roof. And due to their high degree of ventilation efficiency, less air needs to be circulated and treated overall; this saves on electrical operating power and lowers the ventilation heat requirement.

Pinpoint control
Open and closed-loop control systems have been custom-developed in-house for the decentralised system. They guarantee the best possible use of resources and, therefore, the lowest possible operating costs. The individual air-conditioning units are monitored individually and controlled based on zones, so the system is flexible enough to adapt to requirements on the ground.