Domestic water systems. A crystal clear solution for every requirement.

TransTherm aqua L

CombiVal WP

The right solution for every requirement

The energy consumption for heating water should not be underestimated. Even in very well insulated buildings, the share for heating and hot water can be more than 50 percent. For heating domestic water really efficiently, ecologically and cost-effectively, precise customisation to individual needs is very important.
Ranging from standard hot water tanks, on-tap process that comes direct from the unit to ecological solar storage tanks for increased hot water demand – the finely graduated product range offers various heat exchanger surface areas, ensuring that there is the right solution for any circumstances. Insulation helps to save on running costs, while a large heating register or anti-corrosive enamel ensure a long life-time.
Hygienic domestic water preparation

Humans need domestic water to survive – but bacteria can thrive in it too. This underlines how important it is for domestic water heating systems to meet stringent hygiene requirements. This is also covered in the relevant standards for the operation, planning and execution of domestic water heating systems. Hoval is very aware of its responsibilities in this regard and fulfils these requirements in full.
At Hoval we have a wide range of domestic hot water options that will suit every single project, from small to large. This, linked with our other product ranges, gives our customers the best, most efficient option available.
Urs Westreicher
Product Management Domestic Water Heating