Corporate Responsibility
As a responsible company, we are committed to leaving an intact ecological system for future generations. This is why we focus on energy efficiency and alternative energies. We are constantly aiming to continuously reduce our ecological footprint by reducing our consumption of energy and raw materials, waste, water consumption and emissions. As a sustainable company, we pursue long-term, future-proof goals that integrate ecological, social and economic aspects.
Environmental policy

Responsibility for energy and the environment is at the centre of our thoughts and actions. And always has been. Energy solutions and the global climate are closely linked. That is why we see our responsibility in the development and production of innovative and sustainable solutions in the areas of heating, cooling and ventilation.
For Hoval, it goes without saying that our environmental policy includes all areas of the company. Our system solutions aim to protect the environment and achieve maximum energy efficiency. We minimise our emissions, rely on renewable energies and use durable, environmentally friendly and recyclable materials. And not just since yesterday. This is how we actively contribute to a better global climate. Hoval stands for the highest quality and responsibility for people and the environment. This obliges us to take a holistic view - one that considers all the parameters and effects of our actions.
Processes and infrastructure
Our production processes, logistics chains and workflows are designed in such a way that they are permanently in harmony with the preservation of our natural resources. We conserve scarce resources and use them efficiently, while avoiding harmful emissions and waste as far as possible. We also attach great importance to ensuring that ecologically sound working conditions contribute to the satisfaction of our employees.
We are continuously increasing the energy efficiency of our own building stock, building services and our vehicle fleet. In doing so, we rely on state-of-the-art resources and technologies and regularly review the effectiveness of our measures. Ecological risks are limited as part of our emergency precautions in order to ensure sustainable and responsible corporate management.
Our employees, their enthusiasm and their pioneering spirit turn environmental protection goals into reality. Big change is achieved in many small steps, none of which is too small to make a positive contribution. This is why empowerment is important at all levels - we encourage employees to get involved and contribute to the realisation of our goals. In this process, everyone assumes a high level of personal responsibility and endeavours to continuously improve our products, systems and processes from an ecological perspective. The resulting increase in expertise in turn benefits our customers. Energy consumption and emissions can be continuously reduced thanks to expert advice.
(Environmental) awareness and expertise are crucial to achieving environmental goals. Continuously challenging and improving ourselves in this process and not losing sight of the big picture is a task to which we are committed.

Certified quality and environmental management system
System technology - The "small" ecosystem

In both large and small buildings, it is crucial that the many components for heating, cooling and ventilation are intelligently combined. If they are, a kind of ecosystem is created in which energy is used in an optimum and environmentally efficient way. Flexible and extensible control systems are required for a holistic approach. Hoval has specialised in such system solutions based on high-performance microprocessor technology. Our various systems are precisely harmonised and work together efficiently. Thanks to state-of-the-art electronics, handling remains simple and convenient for the user. Everything from a single source.
System solution indoor climate technology
Nature is the best teacher when it comes to offering energy-neutral solutions from a single source. Recognising and using natural connections is one of the keys to our success. Hoval transforms these cycles into energy-saving, reliable and easy-to-operate heating and climate systems. When we talk about an "indoor climate system", we are referring to Supply of fresh air, disposal of exhaust air and the ability to heat and cool. In other words, everything that is needed for an efficient and comfortable climate in a hall. An indoor climate system is the ideal solution for large rooms of all kinds.

Comprehensive expertise
As a full-service provider, Hoval has comprehensive expertise in all areas of heating and climate technology. We pursue a common goal: the development of system solutions that save energy - and therefore reduce costs as well as CO2. To develop such a system and ensure that it functions smoothly, we also need specialists in the services. At Hoval, these include advice in advance, detailed planning and ongoing service and servicing. Anyone who opts for a Hoval system solution receives a fully integrated and trouble-free overall package.